Wednesday, September 24, 2008

waz up

this is a test. this is only a test.


Kuffdogg PA-C said...

I can respond to this test. Just click on the waz up link then click to post, not subscribe to post.


Brad said...

I signed up for this blog. We'll see if it works.

NateFly said...

Leave me alone. I moved to MN for a reason!!

Michelle said...

Hey there I think I'm doing this correctly, seems like I'm responding to the right thing. I took the job offer from the surgeon, it's awesome. Much better than being in school!


NOVA said...

Hi all
Drank too much in Annapolis tonight, gotta wake up early for conference crap. Happy to hear all is well in the GREEN room. I love you all. XOXO. NOVA

Kuffdogg PA-C said...

It appears that all is well and good. I will leave this blog alone and put one up for the whole class. So this is an exclusive blog for those who get invited from anyone who is currently participating in this blog. Hope all is well.

We are all well and good up here in Maine, I will posting pics asap, and I should hope that all of you will do the same.

AKA kuffdogg PA-C

Stacy Johnson, finally a PA-C! said...

Dangit I thought I was done with you people! I guess PA school is the gift that keeps on giving. I would like to add a certain Bo Tran to the blog if that is okay with everyone? GREAT!

Kuffdogg PA-C said...

Make sure we are all staying uptodate with pics and stuff and where we are working and how its going?
I am doing well in Maine. This is a very busy clinic and I have been busy seeing all the ortho patients (yeahhhh). Anyways, Michelle where did you decide to go?

kuffdogg PA-C said...

just checking

kuffdogg PA-C said...

I wanted everyone to know that my employer is great and that my job out here so far is really good. We just a hurricane, but there were no problems. We really like it in maine. How is everyone else doin?

Our Family said...

Hay all! Glad to hear everyone is doing well! The job is great, the Docs are incredible, and I must agree it is much better than school!
Anyone doing anything fun this fall?

Michelle said...

Hey there,
So I decided to take the General Surgery position at Northwest Surgical Associates which mainly uses Exempla Lutheran Medical Center as their main OR. I'm working for Dr. Nelson Mozia and I absolutely love it, crazy busy, every day is totally different. I started on Sept 2nd and already have a trip to mexico scheduled for the first week of December for some very overdue time with the family. I can't agree more that it is so much better than being in school.....

Michelle said...

Hey John,
Tell me all about Maine, are you and the family getting settled. I'm glad you like it, what a huge move for you. Post some pictures when you get a chance.

kuffdogg PA-C said...

Maine is great. We just spent the weekend in Boston at childrens hospital because Sami keeps having fevers and some weird symtoms. They think she has period fever syndrome called TRAPPS. They think it is a autoimmune illness that should just burn itself out. Everything else mostly good though.